a lanky black and white tuxedo cat is standing on top of a couch, perpendicular to the camera. her face is towards the camera, and her eyes face stage left she is hiding behind a big recliner. she looks especially like a rodent here

Chicken Tika Masala
( FKA Sashiko, Filthy McRottendude)
Age: ~4
We found her under an abandoned car sometime in late Summer 2021, nursing 3 kittens. They lived there for a few weeks until the kittens got taken in, but we did our best to provide for them without separating them from their mother. After the kittens were taken, we worked to acclimate Tika to an indoor environment with another cat. She was temporarily with another owner (who named her "Tika") until his health worsened, at which point she returned to us. She likes jalapeƱo cheese and her hobbies include creeping, hiding, and getting weird on the carpet. She learned to cry for food from Pretty Boy.
Behavior: Mischievous, evil
Favorite food: Yours

he is laying on top of a very fluffy blanket with his eyes closed. he's making a nwn face he is laying on his right side, covered up to his forelegs by a bedspread. he's making a nwn face

"Pretty Boy," or "The Prettiest Little Boy That You Ever Seen In Your Life"
Age: 12?
Pretty Boy was a street rat for much of his early life. He was taken into a humane society around Cleveland, Ohio, and fostered for several years. We adopted him in January 2021, and have kept him since. He is sickly, frail, hard of hearing, and a little lapdog. He likes cheek scratches and his hobbies include sleeping, eating, and yelling. He learned to jump on things from Tika.
Behavior: Oafish, wolfish, boorish
Favorite food: Slop